Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chio Knees

Yesterday little Anabelle was at our house visiting. She was talking "jibberish" and Grandpa Ricky couldn't understand a thing she was saying. He said to her, "You must be Chinese" and she said, "No!" and then pointing to her knees, said, "These are Chio Knees!!"

Is that cute, or what??!!


Anonymous said...

I want to eat some Chio Knees!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh she is so cute!!

Karolynn said...

She is such a little doll! You both are such great grandparents!

Brent and Ashley said...

so so funny! I love how kids see everything differently. I just wanna pinch those chio knees

Tiffany said...

They are pretty pinchy chio knees!